Monday 20 May 2019

What are the common formulas used in Microsoft Office Excel?

MS Excel helps you to use smart ways to analyze and make sense of numerous amounts of data. It is also crucial for companies to gain insights from their financial and customer information. In addition, Microsoft’s spreadsheet program is also one of the preferred programs among investment bankers and financial analysts. Office Setup can be used in data processing, financial modeling, and presentation.
There are two major ways to perform calculations in Excel which includes Formula and Function. A formula is an expression that operates on values in a cell or a range of cells. On the other hand, functions are predefined formulas in Excel. They help you to avoid manual entry of formulas while also using names which can be remembered easily. MS Office Setup can help you to analyze data and boost your workflow. Some of the most important formulas and functions of Microsoft Excel are listed below.  SUM – The sum function is one of the most commonly used and must-know formulae in Excel. It helps to aggregate values from a selection of rows or columns of your choice. The formula can be typed with SUM (number1, number2). For example, SUM (B2: H2) can be used to sum the values of a row. With SUM (A2: A6) might help you to get the sum of the values in a column. In addition, com/setup could also be used to turn your function into a formula.  AVERAGE – This function allows you to get a simple average of the selected data such as the average number of shareholders. The formula can be used with the AVERAGE (number1, number2). For instance: AVERAGE (B2: B10) can help to get the average of data from B2 to B10. Fortunately, allows you to use all the applications offered by Microsoft Office on your PC and Mac.  COUNT – It helps you to count all cells in any particular range which only contains numeric values. The formula that you should use is COUNT (value1, value2). For example, COUNT (A: A) can count all the values that are numerical in the column A. However, in order to count rows, you might have to adjust the range inside the formula. With COUNT (A1: C1), you can also count rows.  COUNTA – Similar to COUNT function, COUNTA call also be used to count all cells in any given range. However, it could count all the cells regardless of the type of data. Hence, unlike COUNT which only considers numerical values, it can count dates, strings, times, logical values, errors, empty string, or even text. Its formula is COUNTA (value1, value2). Example: COUNTA (C2: C12) can be used to count rows 2 to 12 of column C in spite of the type.  IF – The IF function can be used to sort your data as per the given logic. You can even embed formulas and function into it. The formula for this function is IF (logical_test,[value_if_true], [value_if_false]). You should get additional resources regarding the shortcuts used in MS Office to feel more confident.

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